Privacy Policy

  • 1. We aim to help job seekers to find better work.
  • 2. is transparent about the information we collect from jobseeker as well as how it is used and with whom it is shared.
  • 3. This Privacy Policy applies when you use our Services.
  • 4. undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation relating to the protection of privacy. Your personal information will not be shared to third party unless you authorize us to do so.
  • 5. As a visitor, user or member of our services, the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information is subject to this Privacy Policy and updates.
  • 6. will update this Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice.
  • 7. If you object to any changes, you may delete your personal data, resume and account.
  • 8. By continuing usage of our services after we publish our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, use and sharing of your personal information is subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
  • 9. In order to provide its services, may collect data relating to:
    • a) The data provided directly by you
    • b) During the registration and use of our services, users provide data to These information include the data necessary to fill out a form, or submit a resume such as your name and age, contact details, password, information about your education, information that concerns your knowledge of languages and working experience.
    • c) No payment is needed for all services on
    • d) It’s your own decision if to include sensitive data such as photo on your resume and to provide us. Please do not add to your resume in case you do not want to make such information shown.
  • 10. Rights to access and control your personal information
    • A. For personal information that we have about you:
    • a) You may delete all or some of your personal information if it is no longer necessary.
    • b) You can edit some of your personal information through your account.
  • 11. is a product managed by PT. Amalia Rozikin Jaya, all information collected on is subject to PT. Amalia Rozikin Jaya’s management.


In accordance with the Applicable Regulation, we shall take all necessary measures to process the information in a secure and confidential manner.

In particular, we shall implement the technical and organizational measures that will guarantee the security and confidentiality of the information collected and processed, and in particular to prevent them from being damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties, by ensuring a level of security that is appropriate to the risks linked to the processing and to the nature of the information, taking into consideration the technical level and cost of such implementation.

We may not guarantee the confidentiality of the information rendered public by the User.

The Services may include links to third-party websites or external sources. The User acknowledges that the Policy only applies to the use of the Services, and does not in any way cover the information collected and/or processed by the third-party websites or external sources to which the services may link. Consequently, we cannot be held liable for the personal data collection and processing practices of these websites or external sources, which are governed, as the case may be, by the personal data policies that are specific to each of these websites or external sources.